Juvo Energy — TNUOS & TRIAD DATA 2021/22


1st February, 2022

A milder winter has so far made predicting TRIAD demands increasingly challenging for the 21/22 season.  With greater renewables intermittency combined with increasing storage capability, larger consumers are having to reduce consumption every weekday to ensure avoidance of the high TRIAD demand tariff.   

So far this winter, the UK’s three highest demands have ranged 43.7GW to 42.7GW on 2nd Dec, 20th Jan, and 5th Jan. There is still a month to go to see if February will change those initial recorded peaks in UK demand. 

The TRIAD charge will be removed in its current form in April 2023 where charges will likely move to fixed charges, and unavoidable through load management. Ofgem’s Target Charging Review, which has also led to greater fixed charging of DUOS, means that consumers now have to look to make wider scale reductions behind the meter to avoid increasing exposure to network charges in future. 

For a portfolio review of your future exposure to network charges, email info@juvoenergy.com