Our services

Need more energy expertise on your team?

Our flexible services are designed to provide you with the expertise you need as you plan, evolve and optimise your energy strategy.

Energy Markets and Risk Management

We offer a range of services including supporting  your approach to market for an energy supply contract, a power purchase agreement or in development of energy risk management strategy.

We can help you solve problems, negotiate with suppliers, and develop solutions to complex arrangements which require further expertise or a sounding board.

For those with energy generation assets, we also lend our experience to make the most of grid services (Capacity Market, Balancing Mechanism and Ancillary schemes), and also to optimise sales of renewable certificates, carbon credits, or EIU discounts.

Energy Management and Data Strategy

Setting goals, baselines, and data collection requires robust processes and systems to save time and get the most from in-house resources.

Making sure the right data and insights are being reported are key for your longer term strategy.  We’ll help guide you to the right tools and procedures and set you up to make savings, and to develop energy projects.

With the help of innovative technology, we will support you to reduce overall consumption, unlock the benefits of sub-metering and avoid high charges. We can also make sure incorrect invoicing is consistently challenged and resolved and help you keep track of key data and contract KPIs for improved supplier performance management.

Energy Projects

Use our tools, technology and expertise to build a business case for behind-the-meter energy projects, support your technical procurement activities and maximise the value of your generation projects.

We’ll join you at any stage of the journey, from recommending low carbon solutions and scoping infrastructure requirements through to monitoring and optimisation. If you need it, we’ll even provide the resource to lead your project from start to finish.

Asset Management

We can develop carbon management strategies which are either compliance led, or market led, supporting you with mandatory reporting as well as compliance and data management.

We support you by filling gaps in your own in house skills and resources to ensure you are getting more most out of your energy assets.

Use our expertise to develop internal carbon models and pricing, helping you deliver a bespoke roadmap to net zero.

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