Expertise to depend on, from a different kind of energy consultancy

If you want to reduce costs and improve sustainability, optimise the value of energy assets or push renewable energy projects forward, talk to us.

We help businesses of all sizes put unique plans into action.

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Managing Electricity with Us

We can help you manage electricity market risk through accurately hedging and balancing power with your supplier or PPA provider.  We are independent of any assets and we don’t work on commission which means your position is managed with total transparency.

Put simply, we are an affordable resource available to support you.

What makes us different

At Juvo we aim to help you grow your business bringing our expertise into the development of energy risk management strategy,  renewable energy developments and carbon saving projects. We become part of your extended team over the life of your projects.

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Talk to our experts today If you need some support, or would like to know more, please get in touch with us.

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